Remove complexity


Addresses that are hard to find, erroneous or inaccurate can now be corrected, translated, completed, and verified within seconds.


Verify and correct thousands of addresses in real time

Rapid, real-time batch processing means there are no unnecessary delays while verifying addresses.

Minimize failed delivery errors

Eliminate unnecessary redeliveries and optimize your drivers’ time by ensuring that addresses are correct before assigning deliveries.

Reduce shipment delays by correcting shipping labels ahead of time

Start your shipment with verified and corrected shipping labels to avoid delays while sourcing for the right address.

Cope with in emerging markets with limited addressing methods

Our geocoding technology helps you overcome the non-standardized addresses and complex geography prevalent in developing countries.


GeoEngine API

Seamlessly integrate your own technologies to accurately find and correct addresses in real time.

Address correction

Verifies, completes, and corrects addresses with up to 3 times more accuracy in complex markets compared to other geocoding technologies currently available in the market.

Address translation

Reliable translations supported by a database of more than 1.2 billion addresses, covering more than 120 regions and 50 languages.

Machine learned

Continuous improvement in accuracy as yours and our address databases grow.

Level up your business with powerful geocoding accuracy

The GeoEngine works together with our LogisticsEngine and Order Management modules to make your business extra productive. See it in action and understand how it can help your business.

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